Our Medical & Health Professionals

Leaf Decoration
Dr Andre Consulting
Thabang - Health Co-ordinator
Sannah - Hydro Staff
Leaf Decoration

Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Our knowledgeable, caring team of Health and Wellbeing Co-ordinators are available daily from 7am to 4pm to gently guide guests through the programme and to help make changes to the package where necessary to help meet personal goals. Chatting to the co-ordinator is relaxed and informal, with no limit placed on guests on the number of visits per day.

The Wellbeing Co-ordinator is available for daily measurements of blood pressure, pulse, weight, blood-oxygen levels, blood sugar (when needed)The Wellbeing Co-ordinator will schedule appointments for guests with our various experts as requested or required.

Holistic Medical Doctor

Our medical doctors are can assist in providing clear guidelines and working out a program to suit your individual needs. Each guest is thoroughly assessed, and medical investigations are as comprehensive as possible.

This will include going through existing reports and spending additional time finding the best solutions to the causes of weight management problems, rather than treating weight as a separate issue. Read more about our Health and Wellbeing Practitioners here.

On-site Laboratory

With the benefit of our on-site laboratory, results of a variety of blood and urine tests are available very quickly. This allows the medical team to address underlying health problems speedily, or re-assure guests when all is in order.

Hoogland does not test thyroid function on site, as the metabolic test will indicate if there is any metabolic abnormalities. Should there be a need to test thyroid functions, an off-site laboratory will provide results within 2 days.

Dr Andre Kruger - Medical Doctor at Hoogland Health Hydro

Dr Andrè Kruger

Medical Doctor
B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B | Practice Number 147811

Dr Andrè moved to the Hoogland estate in 1970. After being instrumental in the establishment of the Hydro in 1976 he studied Medicine to better serve the guests. Having the duel exposure to scientific medicine and Nature cure helped him develop a unique protocol at the core of the Hoogland regimen.

Dr Monica Kruger - Clinical Psychologist at Hoogland Health Hydro

Monica Kruger

Clinical Psychologist
B.A. (Hons.) M.Sc Practice Number: 8626200

Monica has been involved in Hoogland Hydro for more than 35 years in various capacities and is the heart of our family.

Dr Heinz Meier - Biokineticist at Hoogland Health Hydro

Dr Heinz Meier

PhD Human Movement Science

HPCSA Reg No BK 0000884, Practice number: 0043753

Dr Heinz Meier has been involved in Hoogland since 2000 as a Biokineticist and Wellness Consultant.

Dr Graeme Blake - Chiropractor and Homoeopath at Hoogland Health Hydro

Dr Graeme Blake

BSc Wits, Chiropractor and Homoeopath

Graeme qualified as a an analytical chemist in 1993 (Wits tech) and worked as a Forensic analyst in the government’s Forensic Chemical Health laboratories. He worked out the cause of death in drug and poisoning cases and did blood alcohol analysis.

Abraham Kruger – Nutritionist

Abraham was born on Hoogland, into a family passionate about holistic health, with both parents exceptionally good cooks. His love for cooking has taught him to prepare food with abandon, and he has researched and experienced food in many ways in interesting settings.

His enthusiastic passion, care and knowledge is evident in all talks and demonstrations on culinary delights and benefits.

Eleen Polson - Counselling Psychologist at Hoogland Health Hydro

Eleen Polson

Counselling Psychologist

Eleen Polson, is a registered counselling psychologist specialising in short term therapy making use of powerful new body-mind psychotherapy techniques like TRE (trauma and tension release exercises), breath work and Non-violent communication (NVC).

Will the Hoogland approach suit you? Learn more about our philosophy

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