The great news is that Type II Diabetes is not inevitably progressive and life long.
The correct natural lifestyle medical intervention can send type 2 diabetes into permanent remission in most cases for people who have had the condition for 4 years or less. It can also significantly improve the the quality of life for anyone with type II Diabetes.
Metabolic Health Package
We recommend this package for our Type II Diabetes patients. If you are concerned that you may be developing the metabolic disorder Type II Diabetes, then this is the perfect intervention to start regaining your health and vitality.
Our professional staff, lead by Dr André, have many years’ experience in supporting people on an individual basis. Our 3 week or longer Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Programme has seen positive long-term improvement to the lives of many people from all over the world.
As integrative lifestyle medicine institute, the emphasis at Hoogland is to treat each person as a complete and remarkable human being. With the help of your Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator who is available throughout the day, guests are encouraged to adjust the programme to meet individual goals and needs.
Our daily programme of group activities allows for enough flexible time in-between. It is up to each guest to decide whether they feel like attending any activity or rather do something else. For guests on our Pre-Diabetes Treatment Programme, the biokineticist will review individual activities personally and supervise a few minutes of high intensity training daily to ensure that each client benefits.
Hoogland has seen anecdotal evidence of reversal of type 2 diabetes throughout our long history of improving health and wellbeing. Now the scientific studies to support our experience is emerging all over the world. Read the full scientific paper: Reversal of type 2 diabetes
Some preparation may be beneficial before arrival. The doctor may request certain medical reports and test to ensure that underlying physiological factors can be addressed adequately

Our Team
To meet our full Health & Wellbeing Team, click here.
Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator
Our knowledgeable, caring team of Health and Wellbeing Co-ordinators are available daily from 07:30 to 17:30. They gently guide guests through the programme and to help make changes to the package where necessary to help meet personal goals. Chatting to the co-ordinator is relaxed and informal, with no limit on the number of visits per day.
The Wellbeing Co-ordinator is available for daily measurements of blood pressure, pulse, weight, blood-oxygen levels, blood sugar (when needed). The Wellbeing Co-ordinator will schedule appointments for guests with our various experts as requested or required.
Holistic Medical Doctor
Our medical doctors can assist in providing clear guidelines and working out a program to suit your individual needs. Each guest is thoroughly assessed, and medical investigations are as comprehensive as possible.
This will include going through existing reports and spending additional time finding the best solutions to the causes of diabetes and other lifestyle health issues, rather than treating diabetes as a separate issue. Read more about our Health and Wellbeing Practitioners here
On-site Laboratory
With the benefit of our on-site laboratory, results of a variety of blood and urine tests are available very quickly. This allows the medical team to address underlying health problems speedily, or re-assure guests when all is in order.
Tests available at our laboratory is extensive, but should additional test be requried, we will discuss the option on an individual basis and these tests will then contracted to a commercial laboratory.

Nutrition and Meals
Our in-house Nutritionists have many years experience in providing guests with tailor-made, healthy eating plans and advise.
Consultations with the Nutritionists assist guests in understanding each individual’s unique nutritional needs. They assist in guiding guests towards better eating plans using their personal likes, dislikes and circumstances as the foundation to ensure long term success.
Cooking Demonstrations
Hoogland’s practical food demonstration share our wonderful, tasty, healthy and simple recipes, which you will enjoy at home, sharing with family and friends.
Hoogland’s recipes are based on seasonal, fresh and readily available ingredients. Our cooking is sugar-free and low in salt but high in taste. Guests often request recipes on departure for day to day success and enjoyment at home.
During the treatment of diabetes, periods of fasting can be highly beneficial. This length of fast can last from daily intermittent fasting to a period of several days or in some cases several weeks. The various options will be discussed and tailor-made for each guests.
Intermittent fasting has been shown to quickly increase insulin-sensitivity, and longer fasts has shown to have longer lasting health benefits. Water-fasting is not compulsory and the Health & Wellbeing consultant discusses this option with each individual guest before a supervised fast commences.

Exercise and Physical Therapy
Carrying some excess weight leads to posture problems, joint pain and reduced mobility. Guests are encouraged to work with a physiotherapist or biokeneticist to address these problems early in the programme and keep up exercises to maximise the benefits of all Hoogland has to offer.
Exercise Classes and Personal Trainers
Physical Activity and Exercise Classes form an essential part of any diabetes programme. High Intensity Interval training of only a few minutes has shown to improve insulin sensitivity for at least 24 hours. If you have been inactive for an extended period of time, it is important to initially do this under supervision of a expert, such as biokineticist.
Yoga or other stretching exercises help reduce inflammation. All forms of exercise and activity improve circulation and vascular health, and deterioration of vascular health is one of the hallmarks of diabetes.
Additional benefits of exercise and physical activity include:
- Improved circulation
- General improvement of Wellbeing
- Improved Memory
- Improved Mood
- Improved Tone
- Improved Cardio Vascular Fitness
- Improved Blood Sugar Balance
- Improved Bone Density
- Reduced LDL Cholesterol
- Increased Lymph Drainage

Motivational and Emotional Support
Mindful Eating and Meditation
Mindful Eating Training is a very effective long-term solution to maintaining a healthy nutritional lifestyle. Mindful eating involves paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking, both inside and outside the body. We pay attention to the colours, smells, textures, flavours, temperatures, and even the sounds of our food. We pay attention to the experience of the body. Where in the body do we feel hunger? Where do we feel satisfaction? What does half-full feel like, or three quarters full?
Picking up some weight in a world where food is abundant and the lifestyle increasingly passive, is quite normal. Very large gains and losses can have underlying medical or more often, emotional causes. Emotional weaknesses such as poor self image makes the effort to maintain appropriate body weight very challenging.
Our therapists have extensive experience in this field, they are practical, down to earth and very realistic and are able to teach a number of tools effectively for long term success.
Life Coaching
Life coaches aren’t counsellors or therapists; they are not qualified to diagnose or treat mental health matters. They also aren’t necessarily experts–in fact, they don’t claim to be. But they do aim to train clients to reach goals instead of dreaming about them, and those objectives can include weight loss. Life coaches can form an excellent part of the support structure for effective lifestyle changes
Hypnosis is an excellent proven tool in lifestyle medicine. With experienced hypnotherapists in a professional setting this treatment has many benefits with no real risk or side effects.

Supportive Therapies
Hydro Therapy Cycle
The cyclical therapeutic use of Exercise – Massage – Heat Treatment – Cold Therapy – Rest is an affective way of improving circulation, keeping activity levels up and getting rid of many of the fat-soluble toxins that are released as guests lose weight. Heat treatment has been shown to significantly improve insulin sensitivity, improved glucose tolerance and restore insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Guests have unlimited access to all hydro facilities from 07:00 to 19:00 daily, including saunas, steam rooms, steam cabinets, sitzbaths, jet pools, exercise pools, cold pools and jacuzzis.
For more about the hydro cycle, read here…
Therapeutic Massage Treatments
Therapeutic Massage Therapies have many important supportive properties, and guests are encouraged to work a few into their stay.
Benefits of massage include:
- Relaxation and Stress Reduction
- Improved Circulation
- Lowered Blood Pressure
- Improved Immunity
Labyrinths are ancient symbols for healing and a path to renewal. Guests walk it as part of a Weight Management Package for light activity and meditation.
Read more about our various labyrinths here