Over many years and independently through many cultures, a treatment cycle has naturally developed to improve general health.
An important requirement to maximise the benefits of this cycle is a continual flow from start to completion in the following order:

- 1Exercise
- 2Massage
- 3Heat
- 4Cold
- 5Rest
Benefits of this cycle include but are nowhere near limited to:
One cycle may take fifteen minutes, while another may need 3 hours to complete. Using your biofeedback, always do one step until you feel like moving to the next. Hoogland has several options for each of these steps.
1. Exercise – “Dynamic Phase”
Exercise opportunities at Hoogland are many, and we suggest that you firstly that you fully exploit the environment. Make the morning and evening walks part of your Hydro Therapy Cycle, or enjoy a walk on your own anytime of day. Enquire at reception if you would like a guide at times other than our group walking times.
Other exercise opportunities include:
Exercise generates excess circulation and is important as the first phase of this cycle.
2. Massage – “Tonic Phase”
Our therapeutic massage therapist are trained and experienced in a number of massage therapies. Please discuss your personal needs with the lifestyle consultant or therapist to ensure maximum individual benefit.
Massage can divert the redundant circulation to the skin where the skin can get rid of it in the heat phase.
3. Heat – “Pyrophase”
Our heat treatment facilities are monitored by trained staff. They will recommend duration but these recommendations are subject to your own biofeedback.
Eucalyptus oil is available for use in the saunas and steam rooms.
Benefits include:
Heat activates your sweat glands, nifty little organs that can get rid of toxins but retain the nutrients, which are returned to the organs in the cold phase of the cycle.
4. Cold – “Criophase”
Cold causes the skin’s blood vessels to tone up after toxins have been excreted during the heat phase, diverting nutrient rich blood back to the organs.
Cold facilities include:
5. Rest – “Homeostasis phase”
Rest allows the body to balance things out again. Take this time to make use of the beautiful surroundings of Hooglands gardens, or relax in the comforting space of the building.