Eleen Polson
Counselling Psychologist
Eleen Polson, is a registered counselling psychologist specialising in short term therapy making use of powerful new body-mind psychotherapy techniques like TRE (trauma and tension release exercises), breath work and Non-violent communication (NVC).
Her work centres on a belief in the healing power of deep connection to all aspects of life – firstly to your body, your feelings and needs, and your deeper self. This connecting assists people in working through difficulties and leading more fulfilled, effective lives. Further offerings are couples & parenting psycho-education, expressive arts therapy and integrated stress management. She enjoys making a difference one session at a time.
Her full time practice is in Clydesdale (near Pretoria Girls High School), and she consults at Hoogland Health Hydro from time to time (inquire from the lifestyle consultant for availability). Her fee could be claimed directly from the medical aid if such benefits are available.