Monica Kruger
Clinical Psychologist
B.A. (Hons.) M.Sc Practice Number: 8626200
Monica has been involved in Hoogland Hydro for more than 35 years in various capacities and is the heart of our family.
Holistic Psychotherapy: An investment.
Monica’s belief is that we all have within ourselves the strengths and ability to alter thoughts, habits, and behaviours that are limiting our potential. Yet, sometimes we need to reach out for support and new ideas to more effectively handle these issues. This is where Brief Holistic Psychotherapy can be utilized here at Hoogland Hydro.
Everyone, at some time, struggles with life’s challenges; whether it involves facing a new life transition, coping with day-to-day stresses, or some of the other BIG issues that seem to overwhelm us. Psychotherapy conveys a sense of hope, renewal, and change. Therapy can assist you in building tools and resilience that can be used – now and in the future – to overcome challenges that stand in the way of a more fulfilling life.
Therapy is a collaborative journey. Monica works with the utmost sensitivity and integrity, guiding you to re-awakening your inner wisdom, assisting to develop your strengths and exploring options. Guiding you to discover and rediscover what you really desire, Monica holds a steadfast belief in our human innate drive toward health and wholeness.
Since each individual is unique no single approach is effective for everyone. Monica’s style is to discern what tools at her disposal will best support your current concerns.
Together, you will use traditional talk therapy and, if appropriate, hypnotherapy, relaxation- or breathing techniques to facilitate this work of change and growth.
Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived.
I look forward to accompanying you on part of your mysterious journey
Whether you have a specific problem, need some support while here at the hydro, or wish to maximise the benefits of your stay, Monica will be honoured to assist you: